As each science pursues each study from a certain point of view, it quickly became clear that in order to understand man and his...

Madness and Misery
Language has the power to form and shape the way we think and that is the reason why when we hear words like madness, what immediately...

Motivators in your life
Many behaviors that we adopt along the way have negative effects on our bodies and as a result on our lives. For example, bad eating...

Music and the power it has to transform someone´s life.
Music has the power to transform someone´s life. Across culture and through history, we find evidence that indicate the need of human...

How to determine fairness in relationships
Being in a relationship is a beautiful thing but at the same time demanding and sometimes hard. There are days that we cannot stand even...

The effects of early day care.
Having a child is a wonderful thing but has its challenges as well. As a parent you want what is best for your child, what would be...

Techniques for reducing aggressive behavior.
Day in and day out we read or hear about cases of aggression; a woman was severely beaten by her partner or a child was bullied at...

What is ''Selfish''?
By taking care of yourself you have the strength and ability to take care of others. Thus, taking care of yourself is not a selfish act;...

“Crisis: disaster or opportunity?”
A crisis is any event that is, or expected to lead to, an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual or even the whole...

Why is the first impression ''always right''?
Most of the times, when we meet a new person we immediately form some kind of an idea/perception of him/her, based on the stereotypes we...